Touch craftsmen's masterpieces/PREMIUM/SHOPPING

Customers can purchase a wide variety of items, from popular brand like AMATELUZ to Ise’s specialty.


The masterpieces, which were carefully made by master craftsmen group majoring in handling crocodile leather, horse leather and deerskin, were named after “AMATELUZ (sun goddess)” – the guardian deity of Ise.
Please feel the authentic “MADE IN JAPAN” soul with no compromise on quality. ※LINK

Mystery Beauty – Sword Gallery

At Sword Gallery of Ninja Kingdom Ise, new artworks which contain the modern sword smith’s body and soul, are available for purchase. This place has an outstanding collection of Japanese works, from artworks of traditional “Gassan” and “Yoshihara” swordsmiths to the new potential sword smith’s masterpieces. ※LINK

Free Trade Shop (Rakuichi Rakuza)

Shop is selling original goods of “Nyanmage” and “Magedechi” – favorite characters of this Ninja Kingdom Ise, as well as many other interesting goods!

Ninja Kingdom Ise Souvenir Shop

Spacious and barrier-free souvenir shop. Customers using wheelchairs and baby strollers can also access the store easily.


We have a large collection of Mie local goods and cute accessories of traditional Japanese pattern, etc.

